Useful Links


This section contains several videos, websites and other
useful Islamic Links that will boost up your Eman will help to do the Islamic
research. The website links on this page are some of the highly recommended and
most authentic Islamic Websites dedicated to promote the Islamic
knowledge free of cost for the sake of Allah.

Video Links

Who is Allah SWT?

Allah hu Akbar, a powerful reminder for all of us to boost up our Eman. This video really is the best thing that explains the power, kingdom and existence of Allah SWT. Who He is according to Qur’an, this video explains it all. All names of attributes belong to Him, this world and world beyond our imagination, what we see and what we don’t, everything is commanded by Allah alone.

Who was Muhammad SAW?

For those who reject the last Prophet Muhammad SAW, this video is the best thing to explain why we believe in Muhammad SAW, and why we love Him more than anything else in the world. Among Muslims, some have doubts about the miracles of Muhammad SAW and his Hadiths. Highly recommended for them is if they read the Seerat un Nabvi SAW and watch videos like this. May Allah guide us all, Ameen!

The One and The Only God is Allah!

Learn and understand what really word ‘Allah’ means and why the name Allah can not be replaced by the word God. The word God has plural, it has feminine, and it can be placed before anything even if it has no attribute of God (such as God of Fire, God of War, etc). Whereas the word Allah does not have plural or feminine, because He alone is worthy of worship and the creator of everything and everything belongs to Him alone.

Muhammad SAW and Madinah mentioned in Bible.

Muhammad SAW is the last prophet of all prophets Allah sent to the people. His name is mentioned in Torah and Bible as the last prophet who is yet to come. In Bible, Allah clearly mentioned the name of Muhammad SAW and the city of Madinah. Still, the non-believers ask for signs from Allah, as if they have not seen any. These signs and miracles prove that Qur’an is the word of Allah and Muhammad SAW is the last prophet.

Tafsir of Last Two Verses of Surah al-Baqarah.

Nouman Ali Khan has explained the last two verses of Surah Al Baqarah, Qur’an 2:285-285 in an amazing way. How these verses affect our life and if we focus ponder upon its tafsir we will understand that these verses explain us the way of living by simply listening to Allah, obeying him and seeking His forgiveness.

Qur’an, a Book without Doubts.

The holy book Qur’an is the only written content in the world that has not been changed since its revelation 1400 years ago, which makes it a miraculous book to ever existed on the earth. Qur’an is also the only and the most recited book in human history. It is also the only book that has been remembered by millions and millions of people around the world since it is been revealed. Allah promised that He Himself will preserve Qur’an in 15:9, and SubhanAllah He kept His promise.

Family Tree of Known Prophets.

A detailed description of the Family Tree of prophets that are mentioned in Torah, Bible, Zabur and Qur’an. Allah sent down many prophets to people, so they may understand the purpose of living and obey Allah by worshipping him alone. But many of the prophets were either been killed or were rejected completely by people. This Family Tree is based on 25 prophets that are mentioned in Qur’an. May Allah make us a devoted follower of all prophets as all of them brought the same message of Monotheism.

Ayat Al Kursi,
Verse of the Throne.

It is the most powerful and one of the largest verses in the Quran. Ayah 255 of Surah al Baqarah, Ayat Al Kursi has so many amazing attributes that can be found in authentic Hadith Books.

In this video, Nouman Ali Khan has amazingly explained Ayat Al Kursi, he commented on the ring composition of this ayah that can be found in many parts of the Holy Qur’an.

Website Links
Miracles Of Quran
Bilal Philips

Video Channel Links

Free Quran Education
Bayyinah Institute
The Believer
There Is No Clash
Merciful Servant
The Daily Reminder